ITC currently manufactures over 100 different motherboard types, including interfaces to all major brands and types of testers. Additionally, ITC has the ability to quickly design and manufacture motherboards for any new tester interface including custom probe cards.
Our Motherboards are built to reproduce or respond to actual factory probe card testing conditions by emulating Tester Mechanical Conditions with the same forces on Probe Card using the same connector control methods. Also, our motherboards emulate wafer prober card holding conditions using the same forces on Probe Card and maintaining the same reference surface.
As a company, we have a policy of never charging for the development of motherboards for new test interfaces because we understand that these interfaces over time, will appear in many locations.
93KEXA DUT-Scale-Duo
The list of available motherboard types is constantly expanding. If the type you are interested in is not shown here, please contact your ITC Representative.
ADVANTEST | ||||||
TERADYNE | ||||||